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马来西亚人, 62岁


拿督Zaha Rina binti Zahari博士于 2014年6月12日加入董事部。

拿督Zaha Rina博士拥有英国利兹都会大学(Leeds Metropolitan University)的会计和金融学(荣誉)文学学士硕士、英国赫尔大学(University of Hull)工商管理硕士学位和英国赫尔大学工商管理博士学位,专注于资本市场研究并专攻衍生产品。


在此之前,她于2007年8月至2008年5月在新加坡的苏格兰皇家银行集团工作她在金融、大宗商品和证券行业以及马来西亚资本市场的发展方面 拥有超过25年的经验,其中包括管理一家期货经纪公司,并于2004年至2006年担任兴业证券私人有限公司的首席执行员。她之前曾在1993年至1996年期间担任马来西亚大宗商品和货币交易所的董事,然后于 2001年担任吉隆坡期权和金融期货交易所的首席运营员,该交易所于2001年6月合并为马来西亚衍生品交易所(MDEX)。之后,她在吉隆坡证券交易所(KLSE)股份化之前,于2003年9月受委为交易所主管,管理吉隆坡证券交易所、吉隆坡股票交易所自动报价板(MESDAQ),马来西亚衍生品交易所和纳闽国际金融交易所(Labuan International Financial Exchange)的运作。她还是许多国际会议和论坛的常客发表演讲。

拿督Zaha Rina博士在2013年12月受委为宏利控股有限公司(Manulife Holdings Berhad)主席之前,曾担任苏黎世保险大马有限公司(Zurich Insurance Malaysia Berhad)的董事。她也曾担任陆盛(Tanah Makmur Berhad)的董事。

目前,除了在几家私人有限公司担任董事之外,她还是太平洋与东方有限公司(POB)、大红花石油有限公司(Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad)和怡保花园有限公司( IGB Berhad)的董事部成员。

她是马来西亚肖邦协会(Persatuan Chopin Malaysia)的副总裁 和马来西亚潜水教练协会的潜水督导员。直到2009年之前,她也一直担任XBRL全球顾问委员会成员,并且在 2010年5月之前还是马来西亚艾滋病基金会的董事部成员。


(执行董事; 提名委员会成员)

Chan Thye Seng 先生于 1994 年 10 月 22 日加入董事会。他毕业于卡迪夫大学,获得法学(荣誉)学士学位。他于 1980 年在中殿律师事务所取得律师资格,并于 1982 年在马来西亚取得律师资格,拥有 13 年的执业律师工作经验。

陈先生是 POB 的董事总经理兼首席执行官。他还是 POB 其他子公司的董事会成员,如 P&O Capital Sdn Bhd、Pacific & Orient Distribution Sdn Bhd、P&O Global Technologies Sdn Bhd、P&O Global Technologies, Inc. 和 P&O Global Technologies (泰国)有限公司。他曾担任吉隆坡商品交易所和马来西亚期货结算公司有限公司的董事会成员。


马来西亚人, 69岁


林先生于2020年1 月31日加入董事部。

他持有英国曼彻斯特都会大学经济学(荣誉)文学士学位。他是特许公认会计师公会资深会员、马来西亚会计师协会会员和马来西亚注册会计师协会会员。他还是马来西亚破产从业者协会(IPAM)的创始总裁 及其现任理事会成员。

林先生在鉴证、企业咨询、企业重组和破产方面拥有超过40年的经验。凭借在马来西亚和国际企业破产和重组方面的多年经验,林先生于2014年在吉隆坡 创立了Rodgers Reidy & Co

从2002年至2009年期间,他是安永(Ernst & Young)的合伙人,负责企业重组和破产。在此之前,他于1979年至2001年在安达信(Arthur Andersen)工作,在首7年从事鉴证工作,然后专注于企业重组和破产。他于1990年成为安达信的合伙人,领导全球企业融资业务,包括企业重组和破产。他在马来西亚公司委员会监督下,被国内贸易部部长委任为公司法改革委员会(“CLRC”)的成员。CLRC的目标是更新和提升公司法令,并设下新的2016年公司法令。此外,林先生于 1998年至2002年期间担任联合国赔偿委员会专员,并于2010至2016年期间担任马来西亚存款保险机构董事。

林先生目前担任Rodgers Reidy & Co. 的管理合伙人,并担任马建屋的非独立非执行董事、Anglo-Eastern种植公开股份有限公司的高级独立董事、马来西亚南北大道有限公司(PLUS Malaysia Berhad)和前进控股有限公司 (Majuperak Holdings Berhad) 独立董事,并在多家私人有限公司担任董事职务。

Malaysian, 57

(Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Risk Management Committee, Member of the Audit Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Dato’ Foong Chee Meng was appointed as an Independent Director of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 1 September 2022.

Dato’ Foong holds a Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Law and Masters of Law from the University of Sydney, Australia.

Dato’ Foong has more than 25 years of experience in legal practice and is currently a Managing Partner of a niche corporate boutique law firm, Foong & Partners which he set up in 2003. Aside from being an Advocate & Solicitor at High Court of Malaya, he is also a practicing Advocate & Solicitor at the Federal Court of Australia and Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia.

He had previously practiced at Baker & McKenzie in Sydney and returned to Malaysia in 1993 to continue his practice at Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Dato’ Foong was made a partner in 1996 where he was subsequently appointed the Head of the Corporate & Commercial and Foreign Investment of Zaid Ibrahim & Co.

Dato’ Foong has been involved in structuring and executing major mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances and joint ventures in various industry groups which comprise manufacturing, property, construction, telecommunications, food and newsprint industries.

He also advises local and foreign companies and investors on a wide variety of corporate matters including foreign investments, regulatory compliance, joint ventures and acquisitions of Malaysian businesses.

In 1999, Dato’ Foong had published his first publication titled “Guide to mergers and acquisition in Asia” and be an author of the chapter on “Partnership” and “Franchising” in the Malaysia Precedents and Forms, Commercial Precedents in 2002.

Malaysian, 48

(Independent Director; Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Mr. Tan Chong Hin was appointed to the Board of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 3 January 2023.

He graduated with a First Class Honours in Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic Engineering) from the University of Hull as a Wilberforce Scholar in 1998, and completed his Postgraduate Diploma in Economics at the University of Cambridge, as a British Chevening Scholar in 1999. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) since 2003, and the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) since 2022.

He had spent over 20 years working for various financial services institutions in London, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore specialising in real estate, corporate finance and advisory.

He currently sits on the board of several public and private limited companies.

South African, 40

(Non-Independent Non-Executive Director; Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Mr. Thian joined the board on 20 September 2023.

Presently, Mr. Thian is an Executive for India and Group Initiatives of the Sanlam Group. His role is to oversee Sanlam’s investments in India and to maintain business relationships with Sanlam’s partners in India. He is also involved in other Group strategic initiatives by supporting and giving guidance to the operating entities with strategy development and execution, technical assistance, adhering to sound audit practices, appropriate governance, risk management, and compliance.

Mr. Thian holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, in 2005 and is a qualified Actuary and Fellow of the Actuarial Society of South Africa.

He has over 15 years of experience in actuarial (both Life and General insurance), capital management and risk management.

Malaysian, 62

(Independent Director; Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Datin Grace was appointed to the Board of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 2 January 2024.

Datin Grace has more than 38 years of experience as a practising lawyer and is a partner and former managing partner of Shearn Delamore & Co. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the London School of Economics and Political Science as well as a Master of Laws (LLM) from the University of London. She was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1984 and the Malaysian Bar in 1985. She has also obtained a Financial Planner Certification (CFP).

She currently heads the Corporate/M&A, Energy, Natural Resources & Green Technology and Private Client & Family Business practice groups at Shearn Delamore & Co. and is a member of the Malaysian Bar as well as the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia. Her past directorships have included board memberships in Bursa Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Bank Berhad, Shearn Skinner Trust Company Ltd and Universal Trustee (Malaysia) Berhad. She also currently sits on the boards of several private limited companies and is a member of the Corporate and Commercial Law Committee and Trade in Legal Services Committee of the Malaysian Bar Council.




2015年 : 8次

2016年 : 7次

2017年 : 6次

2018年 : 6次

2019年 : 6次

2020年 : 6次

2021年 : 8次

2022年 : 6次

2023年 : 6次


马来西亚人, 69岁


林先生于2020年1 月31日加入董事部。

他持有英国曼彻斯特都会大学经济学(荣誉)文学士学位。他是特许公认会计师公会资深会员、马来西亚会计师协会会员和马来西亚注册会计师协会会员。他还是马来西亚破产从业者协会(IPAM)的创始总裁 及其现任理事会成员。

林先生在鉴证、企业咨询、企业重组和破产方面拥有超过40年的经验。凭借在马来西亚和国际企业破产和重组方面的多年经验,林先生于2014年在吉隆坡 创立了Rodgers Reidy & Co

从2002年至2009年期间,他是安永(Ernst & Young)的合伙人,负责企业重组和破产。在此之前,他于1979年至2001年在安达信(Arthur Andersen)工作,在首7年从事鉴证工作,然后专注于企业重组和破产。他于1990年成为安达信的合伙人,领导全球企业融资业务,包括企业重组和破产。他在马来西亚公司委员会监督下,被国内贸易部部长委任为公司法改革委员会(“CLRC”)的成员。CLRC的目标是更新和提升公司法令,并设下新的2016年公司法令。此外,林先生于 1998年至2002年期间担任联合国赔偿委员会专员,并于2010至2016年期间担任马来西亚存款保险机构董事。

林先生目前担任Rodgers Reidy & Co. 的管理合伙人,并担任马建屋的非独立非执行董事、Anglo-Eastern种植公开股份有限公司的高级独立董事、马来西亚南北大道有限公司(PLUS Malaysia Berhad)和前进控股有限公司 (Majuperak Holdings Berhad) 独立董事,并在多家私人有限公司担任董事职务。

马来西亚人, 62岁


拿督Zaha Rina binti Zahari博士于 2014年6月12日加入董事部。

拿督Zaha Rina博士拥有英国利兹都会大学(Leeds Metropolitan University)的会计和金融学(荣誉)文学学士硕士、英国赫尔大学(University of Hull)工商管理硕士学位和英国赫尔大学工商管理博士学位,专注于资本市场研究并专攻衍生产品。


在此之前,她于2007年8月至2008年5月在新加坡的苏格兰皇家银行集团工作她在金融、大宗商品和证券行业以及马来西亚资本市场的发展方面 拥有超过25年的经验,其中包括管理一家期货经纪公司,并于2004年至2006年担任兴业证券私人有限公司的首席执行员。她之前曾在1993年至1996年期间担任马来西亚大宗商品和货币交易所的董事,然后于 2001年担任吉隆坡期权和金融期货交易所的首席运营员,该交易所于2001年6月合并为马来西亚衍生品交易所(MDEX)。之后,她在吉隆坡证券交易所(KLSE)股份化之前,于2003年9月受委为交易所主管,管理吉隆坡证券交易所、吉隆坡股票交易所自动报价板(MESDAQ),马来西亚衍生品交易所和纳闽国际金融交易所(Labuan International Financial Exchange)的运作。她还是许多国际会议和论坛的常客发表演讲。

拿督Zaha Rina博士在2013年12月受委为宏利控股有限公司(Manulife Holdings Berhad)主席之前,曾担任苏黎世保险大马有限公司(Zurich Insurance Malaysia Berhad)的董事。她也曾担任陆盛(Tanah Makmur Berhad)的董事。

目前,除了在几家私人有限公司担任董事之外,她还是太平洋与东方有限公司(POB)、大红花石油有限公司(Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad)和怡保花园有限公司( IGB Berhad)的董事部成员。

她是马来西亚肖邦协会(Persatuan Chopin Malaysia)的副总裁 和马来西亚潜水教练协会的潜水督导员。直到2009年之前,她也一直担任XBRL全球顾问委员会成员,并且在 2010年5月之前还是马来西亚艾滋病基金会的董事部成员。

Malaysian, 57

(Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Risk Management Committee, Member of the Audit Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Dato’ Foong Chee Meng was appointed as an Independent Director of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 1 September 2022.

Dato’ Foong holds a Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Law and Masters of Law from the University of Sydney, Australia.

Dato’ Foong has more than 25 years of experience in legal practice and is currently a Managing Partner of a niche corporate boutique law firm, Foong & Partners which he set up in 2003. Aside from being an Advocate & Solicitor at High Court of Malaya, he is also a practicing Advocate & Solicitor at the Federal Court of Australia and Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia.

He had previously practiced at Baker & McKenzie in Sydney and returned to Malaysia in 1993 to continue his practice at Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Dato’ Foong was made a partner in 1996 where he was subsequently appointed the Head of the Corporate & Commercial and Foreign Investment of Zaid Ibrahim & Co.

Dato’ Foong has been involved in structuring and executing major mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances and joint ventures in various industry groups which comprise manufacturing, property, construction, telecommunications, food and newsprint industries.

He also advises local and foreign companies and investors on a wide variety of corporate matters including foreign investments, regulatory compliance, joint ventures and acquisitions of Malaysian businesses.

In 1999, Dato’ Foong had published his first publication titled “Guide to mergers and acquisition in Asia” and be an author of the chapter on “Partnership” and “Franchising” in the Malaysia Precedents and Forms, Commercial Precedents in 2002.

Malaysian, 48

(Independent Director; Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Mr. Tan Chong Hin was appointed to the Board of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 3 January 2023.

He graduated with a First Class Honours in Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic Engineering) from the University of Hull as a Wilberforce Scholar in 1998, and completed his Postgraduate Diploma in Economics at the University of Cambridge, as a British Chevening Scholar in 1999. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) since 2003, and the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) since 2022.

He had spent over 20 years working for various financial services institutions in London, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore specialising in real estate, corporate finance and advisory.

He currently sits on the board of several public and private limited companies.

South African, 40

(Non-Independent Non-Executive Director; Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Mr. Thian joined the board on 20 September 2023.

Presently, Mr. Thian is an Executive for India and Group Initiatives of the Sanlam Group. His role is to oversee Sanlam’s investments in India and to maintain business relationships with Sanlam’s partners in India. He is also involved in other Group strategic initiatives by supporting and giving guidance to the operating entities with strategy development and execution, technical assistance, adhering to sound audit practices, appropriate governance, risk management, and compliance.

Mr. Thian holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, in 2005 and is a qualified Actuary and Fellow of the Actuarial Society of South Africa.

He has over 15 years of experience in actuarial (both Life and General insurance), capital management and risk management.

Malaysian, 62

(Independent Director; Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Datin Grace was appointed to the Board of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 2 January 2024.

Datin Grace has more than 38 years of experience as a practising lawyer and is a partner and former managing partner of Shearn Delamore & Co. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the London School of Economics and Political Science as well as a Master of Laws (LLM) from the University of London. She was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1984 and the Malaysian Bar in 1985. She has also obtained a Financial Planner Certification (CFP).

She currently heads the Corporate/M&A, Energy, Natural Resources & Green Technology and Private Client & Family Business practice groups at Shearn Delamore & Co. and is a member of the Malaysian Bar as well as the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia. Her past directorships have included board memberships in Bursa Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Bank Berhad, Shearn Skinner Trust Company Ltd and Universal Trustee (Malaysia) Berhad. She also currently sits on the boards of several private limited companies and is a member of the Corporate and Commercial Law Committee and Trade in Legal Services Committee of the Malaysian Bar Council.

2015年 : 4次

2016年 : 4次

2017年 : 4次

2018年 : 4次

2019年 : 4次

2020年 : 4次

2021年 : 4次

2022年 : 4次

2023年 : 4次


Malaysian, 57

(Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Risk Management Committee, Member of the Audit Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Dato’ Foong Chee Meng was appointed as an Independent Director of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 1 September 2022.

Dato’ Foong holds a Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Law and Masters of Law from the University of Sydney, Australia.

Dato’ Foong has more than 25 years of experience in legal practice and is currently a Managing Partner of a niche corporate boutique law firm, Foong & Partners which he set up in 2003. Aside from being an Advocate & Solicitor at High Court of Malaya, he is also a practicing Advocate & Solicitor at the Federal Court of Australia and Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia.

He had previously practiced at Baker & McKenzie in Sydney and returned to Malaysia in 1993 to continue his practice at Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Dato’ Foong was made a partner in 1996 where he was subsequently appointed the Head of the Corporate & Commercial and Foreign Investment of Zaid Ibrahim & Co.

Dato’ Foong has been involved in structuring and executing major mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances and joint ventures in various industry groups which comprise manufacturing, property, construction, telecommunications, food and newsprint industries.

He also advises local and foreign companies and investors on a wide variety of corporate matters including foreign investments, regulatory compliance, joint ventures and acquisitions of Malaysian businesses.

In 1999, Dato’ Foong had published his first publication titled “Guide to mergers and acquisition in Asia” and be an author of the chapter on “Partnership” and “Franchising” in the Malaysia Precedents and Forms, Commercial Precedents in 2002.

马来西亚人, 62岁


拿督Zaha Rina binti Zahari博士于 2014年6月12日加入董事部。

拿督Zaha Rina博士拥有英国利兹都会大学(Leeds Metropolitan University)的会计和金融学(荣誉)文学学士硕士、英国赫尔大学(University of Hull)工商管理硕士学位和英国赫尔大学工商管理博士学位,专注于资本市场研究并专攻衍生产品。


在此之前,她于2007年8月至2008年5月在新加坡的苏格兰皇家银行集团工作她在金融、大宗商品和证券行业以及马来西亚资本市场的发展方面 拥有超过25年的经验,其中包括管理一家期货经纪公司,并于2004年至2006年担任兴业证券私人有限公司的首席执行员。她之前曾在1993年至1996年期间担任马来西亚大宗商品和货币交易所的董事,然后于 2001年担任吉隆坡期权和金融期货交易所的首席运营员,该交易所于2001年6月合并为马来西亚衍生品交易所(MDEX)。之后,她在吉隆坡证券交易所(KLSE)股份化之前,于2003年9月受委为交易所主管,管理吉隆坡证券交易所、吉隆坡股票交易所自动报价板(MESDAQ),马来西亚衍生品交易所和纳闽国际金融交易所(Labuan International Financial Exchange)的运作。她还是许多国际会议和论坛的常客发表演讲。

拿督Zaha Rina博士在2013年12月受委为宏利控股有限公司(Manulife Holdings Berhad)主席之前,曾担任苏黎世保险大马有限公司(Zurich Insurance Malaysia Berhad)的董事。她也曾担任陆盛(Tanah Makmur Berhad)的董事。

目前,除了在几家私人有限公司担任董事之外,她还是太平洋与东方有限公司(POB)、大红花石油有限公司(Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad)和怡保花园有限公司( IGB Berhad)的董事部成员。

她是马来西亚肖邦协会(Persatuan Chopin Malaysia)的副总裁 和马来西亚潜水教练协会的潜水督导员。直到2009年之前,她也一直担任XBRL全球顾问委员会成员,并且在 2010年5月之前还是马来西亚艾滋病基金会的董事部成员。

马来西亚人, 69岁


林先生于2020年1 月31日加入董事部。

他持有英国曼彻斯特都会大学经济学(荣誉)文学士学位。他是特许公认会计师公会资深会员、马来西亚会计师协会会员和马来西亚注册会计师协会会员。他还是马来西亚破产从业者协会(IPAM)的创始总裁 及其现任理事会成员。

林先生在鉴证、企业咨询、企业重组和破产方面拥有超过40年的经验。凭借在马来西亚和国际企业破产和重组方面的多年经验,林先生于2014年在吉隆坡 创立了Rodgers Reidy & Co

从2002年至2009年期间,他是安永(Ernst & Young)的合伙人,负责企业重组和破产。在此之前,他于1979年至2001年在安达信(Arthur Andersen)工作,在首7年从事鉴证工作,然后专注于企业重组和破产。他于1990年成为安达信的合伙人,领导全球企业融资业务,包括企业重组和破产。他在马来西亚公司委员会监督下,被国内贸易部部长委任为公司法改革委员会(“CLRC”)的成员。CLRC的目标是更新和提升公司法令,并设下新的2016年公司法令。此外,林先生于 1998年至2002年期间担任联合国赔偿委员会专员,并于2010至2016年期间担任马来西亚存款保险机构董事。

林先生目前担任Rodgers Reidy & Co. 的管理合伙人,并担任马建屋的非独立非执行董事、Anglo-Eastern种植公开股份有限公司的高级独立董事、马来西亚南北大道有限公司(PLUS Malaysia Berhad)和前进控股有限公司 (Majuperak Holdings Berhad) 独立董事,并在多家私人有限公司担任董事职务。

Malaysian, 48

(Independent Director; Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Mr. Tan Chong Hin was appointed to the Board of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 3 January 2023.

He graduated with a First Class Honours in Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic Engineering) from the University of Hull as a Wilberforce Scholar in 1998, and completed his Postgraduate Diploma in Economics at the University of Cambridge, as a British Chevening Scholar in 1999. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) since 2003, and the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) since 2022.

He had spent over 20 years working for various financial services institutions in London, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore specialising in real estate, corporate finance and advisory.

He currently sits on the board of several public and private limited companies.

South African, 40

(Non-Independent Non-Executive Director; Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Mr. Thian joined the board on 20 September 2023.

Presently, Mr. Thian is an Executive for India and Group Initiatives of the Sanlam Group. His role is to oversee Sanlam’s investments in India and to maintain business relationships with Sanlam’s partners in India. He is also involved in other Group strategic initiatives by supporting and giving guidance to the operating entities with strategy development and execution, technical assistance, adhering to sound audit practices, appropriate governance, risk management, and compliance.

Mr. Thian holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, in 2005 and is a qualified Actuary and Fellow of the Actuarial Society of South Africa.

He has over 15 years of experience in actuarial (both Life and General insurance), capital management and risk management.

Malaysian, 62

(Independent Director; Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Datin Grace was appointed to the Board of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 2 January 2024.

Datin Grace has more than 38 years of experience as a practising lawyer and is a partner and former managing partner of Shearn Delamore & Co. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the London School of Economics and Political Science as well as a Master of Laws (LLM) from the University of London. She was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1984 and the Malaysian Bar in 1985. She has also obtained a Financial Planner Certification (CFP).

She currently heads the Corporate/M&A, Energy, Natural Resources & Green Technology and Private Client & Family Business practice groups at Shearn Delamore & Co. and is a member of the Malaysian Bar as well as the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia. Her past directorships have included board memberships in Bursa Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Bank Berhad, Shearn Skinner Trust Company Ltd and Universal Trustee (Malaysia) Berhad. She also currently sits on the boards of several private limited companies and is a member of the Corporate and Commercial Law Committee and Trade in Legal Services Committee of the Malaysian Bar Council.

2015年 : 5次

2016年 : 4次

2017年 : 4次

2018年 : 6次

2019年 : 5次

2020年 : 6次

2021年 : 5次

2022年 : 5次

2023年 : 6次


Malaysian, 48

(Independent Director; Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Mr. Tan Chong Hin was appointed to the Board of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 3 January 2023.

He graduated with a First Class Honours in Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic Engineering) from the University of Hull as a Wilberforce Scholar in 1998, and completed his Postgraduate Diploma in Economics at the University of Cambridge, as a British Chevening Scholar in 1999. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) since 2003, and the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) since 2022.

He had spent over 20 years working for various financial services institutions in London, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore specialising in real estate, corporate finance and advisory.

He currently sits on the board of several public and private limited companies.


(执行董事; 提名委员会成员)

Chan Thye Seng 先生于 1994 年 10 月 22 日加入董事会。他毕业于卡迪夫大学,获得法学(荣誉)学士学位。他于 1980 年在中殿律师事务所取得律师资格,并于 1982 年在马来西亚取得律师资格,拥有 13 年的执业律师工作经验。

陈先生是 POB 的董事总经理兼首席执行官。他还是 POB 其他子公司的董事会成员,如 P&O Capital Sdn Bhd、Pacific & Orient Distribution Sdn Bhd、P&O Global Technologies Sdn Bhd、P&O Global Technologies, Inc. 和 P&O Global Technologies (泰国)有限公司。他曾担任吉隆坡商品交易所和马来西亚期货结算公司有限公司的董事会成员。


马来西亚人, 62岁


拿督Zaha Rina binti Zahari博士于 2014年6月12日加入董事部。

拿督Zaha Rina博士拥有英国利兹都会大学(Leeds Metropolitan University)的会计和金融学(荣誉)文学学士硕士、英国赫尔大学(University of Hull)工商管理硕士学位和英国赫尔大学工商管理博士学位,专注于资本市场研究并专攻衍生产品。


在此之前,她于2007年8月至2008年5月在新加坡的苏格兰皇家银行集团工作她在金融、大宗商品和证券行业以及马来西亚资本市场的发展方面 拥有超过25年的经验,其中包括管理一家期货经纪公司,并于2004年至2006年担任兴业证券私人有限公司的首席执行员。她之前曾在1993年至1996年期间担任马来西亚大宗商品和货币交易所的董事,然后于 2001年担任吉隆坡期权和金融期货交易所的首席运营员,该交易所于2001年6月合并为马来西亚衍生品交易所(MDEX)。之后,她在吉隆坡证券交易所(KLSE)股份化之前,于2003年9月受委为交易所主管,管理吉隆坡证券交易所、吉隆坡股票交易所自动报价板(MESDAQ),马来西亚衍生品交易所和纳闽国际金融交易所(Labuan International Financial Exchange)的运作。她还是许多国际会议和论坛的常客发表演讲。

拿督Zaha Rina博士在2013年12月受委为宏利控股有限公司(Manulife Holdings Berhad)主席之前,曾担任苏黎世保险大马有限公司(Zurich Insurance Malaysia Berhad)的董事。她也曾担任陆盛(Tanah Makmur Berhad)的董事。

目前,除了在几家私人有限公司担任董事之外,她还是太平洋与东方有限公司(POB)、大红花石油有限公司(Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad)和怡保花园有限公司( IGB Berhad)的董事部成员。

她是马来西亚肖邦协会(Persatuan Chopin Malaysia)的副总裁 和马来西亚潜水教练协会的潜水督导员。直到2009年之前,她也一直担任XBRL全球顾问委员会成员,并且在 2010年5月之前还是马来西亚艾滋病基金会的董事部成员。

马来西亚人, 69岁


林先生于2020年1 月31日加入董事部。

他持有英国曼彻斯特都会大学经济学(荣誉)文学士学位。他是特许公认会计师公会资深会员、马来西亚会计师协会会员和马来西亚注册会计师协会会员。他还是马来西亚破产从业者协会(IPAM)的创始总裁 及其现任理事会成员。

林先生在鉴证、企业咨询、企业重组和破产方面拥有超过40年的经验。凭借在马来西亚和国际企业破产和重组方面的多年经验,林先生于2014年在吉隆坡 创立了Rodgers Reidy & Co

从2002年至2009年期间,他是安永(Ernst & Young)的合伙人,负责企业重组和破产。在此之前,他于1979年至2001年在安达信(Arthur Andersen)工作,在首7年从事鉴证工作,然后专注于企业重组和破产。他于1990年成为安达信的合伙人,领导全球企业融资业务,包括企业重组和破产。他在马来西亚公司委员会监督下,被国内贸易部部长委任为公司法改革委员会(“CLRC”)的成员。CLRC的目标是更新和提升公司法令,并设下新的2016年公司法令。此外,林先生于 1998年至2002年期间担任联合国赔偿委员会专员,并于2010至2016年期间担任马来西亚存款保险机构董事。

林先生目前担任Rodgers Reidy & Co. 的管理合伙人,并担任马建屋的非独立非执行董事、Anglo-Eastern种植公开股份有限公司的高级独立董事、马来西亚南北大道有限公司(PLUS Malaysia Berhad)和前进控股有限公司 (Majuperak Holdings Berhad) 独立董事,并在多家私人有限公司担任董事职务。

Malaysian, 57

(Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Risk Management Committee, Member of the Audit Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Dato’ Foong Chee Meng was appointed as an Independent Director of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 1 September 2022.

Dato’ Foong holds a Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Law and Masters of Law from the University of Sydney, Australia.

Dato’ Foong has more than 25 years of experience in legal practice and is currently a Managing Partner of a niche corporate boutique law firm, Foong & Partners which he set up in 2003. Aside from being an Advocate & Solicitor at High Court of Malaya, he is also a practicing Advocate & Solicitor at the Federal Court of Australia and Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia.

He had previously practiced at Baker & McKenzie in Sydney and returned to Malaysia in 1993 to continue his practice at Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Dato’ Foong was made a partner in 1996 where he was subsequently appointed the Head of the Corporate & Commercial and Foreign Investment of Zaid Ibrahim & Co.

Dato’ Foong has been involved in structuring and executing major mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances and joint ventures in various industry groups which comprise manufacturing, property, construction, telecommunications, food and newsprint industries.

He also advises local and foreign companies and investors on a wide variety of corporate matters including foreign investments, regulatory compliance, joint ventures and acquisitions of Malaysian businesses.

In 1999, Dato’ Foong had published his first publication titled “Guide to mergers and acquisition in Asia” and be an author of the chapter on “Partnership” and “Franchising” in the Malaysia Precedents and Forms, Commercial Precedents in 2002.

South African, 40

(Non-Independent Non-Executive Director; Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Mr. Thian joined the board on 20 September 2023.

Presently, Mr. Thian is an Executive for India and Group Initiatives of the Sanlam Group. His role is to oversee Sanlam’s investments in India and to maintain business relationships with Sanlam’s partners in India. He is also involved in other Group strategic initiatives by supporting and giving guidance to the operating entities with strategy development and execution, technical assistance, adhering to sound audit practices, appropriate governance, risk management, and compliance.

Mr. Thian holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, in 2005 and is a qualified Actuary and Fellow of the Actuarial Society of South Africa.

He has over 15 years of experience in actuarial (both Life and General insurance), capital management and risk management.

Malaysian, 62

(Independent Director; Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Datin Grace was appointed to the Board of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 2 January 2024.

Datin Grace has more than 38 years of experience as a practising lawyer and is a partner and former managing partner of Shearn Delamore & Co. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the London School of Economics and Political Science as well as a Master of Laws (LLM) from the University of London. She was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1984 and the Malaysian Bar in 1985. She has also obtained a Financial Planner Certification (CFP).

She currently heads the Corporate/M&A, Energy, Natural Resources & Green Technology and Private Client & Family Business practice groups at Shearn Delamore & Co. and is a member of the Malaysian Bar as well as the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia. Her past directorships have included board memberships in Bursa Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Bank Berhad, Shearn Skinner Trust Company Ltd and Universal Trustee (Malaysia) Berhad. She also currently sits on the boards of several private limited companies and is a member of the Corporate and Commercial Law Committee and Trade in Legal Services Committee of the Malaysian Bar Council.

2015年 : 6次

2016年 : 7次

2017年 : 4次

2018年 : 6次

2019年 : 4次

2020年 : 4次

2021年 : 3次

2022年 : 5次

2023年 : 6次


马来西亚人, 69岁


林先生于2020年1 月31日加入董事部。

他持有英国曼彻斯特都会大学经济学(荣誉)文学士学位。他是特许公认会计师公会资深会员、马来西亚会计师协会会员和马来西亚注册会计师协会会员。他还是马来西亚破产从业者协会(IPAM)的创始总裁 及其现任理事会成员。

林先生在鉴证、企业咨询、企业重组和破产方面拥有超过40年的经验。凭借在马来西亚和国际企业破产和重组方面的多年经验,林先生于2014年在吉隆坡 创立了Rodgers Reidy & Co

从2002年至2009年期间,他是安永(Ernst & Young)的合伙人,负责企业重组和破产。在此之前,他于1979年至2001年在安达信(Arthur Andersen)工作,在首7年从事鉴证工作,然后专注于企业重组和破产。他于1990年成为安达信的合伙人,领导全球企业融资业务,包括企业重组和破产。他在马来西亚公司委员会监督下,被国内贸易部部长委任为公司法改革委员会(“CLRC”)的成员。CLRC的目标是更新和提升公司法令,并设下新的2016年公司法令。此外,林先生于 1998年至2002年期间担任联合国赔偿委员会专员,并于2010至2016年期间担任马来西亚存款保险机构董事。

林先生目前担任Rodgers Reidy & Co. 的管理合伙人,并担任马建屋的非独立非执行董事、Anglo-Eastern种植公开股份有限公司的高级独立董事、马来西亚南北大道有限公司(PLUS Malaysia Berhad)和前进控股有限公司 (Majuperak Holdings Berhad) 独立董事,并在多家私人有限公司担任董事职务。

马来西亚人, 62岁


拿督Zaha Rina binti Zahari博士于 2014年6月12日加入董事部。

拿督Zaha Rina博士拥有英国利兹都会大学(Leeds Metropolitan University)的会计和金融学(荣誉)文学学士硕士、英国赫尔大学(University of Hull)工商管理硕士学位和英国赫尔大学工商管理博士学位,专注于资本市场研究并专攻衍生产品。


在此之前,她于2007年8月至2008年5月在新加坡的苏格兰皇家银行集团工作她在金融、大宗商品和证券行业以及马来西亚资本市场的发展方面 拥有超过25年的经验,其中包括管理一家期货经纪公司,并于2004年至2006年担任兴业证券私人有限公司的首席执行员。她之前曾在1993年至1996年期间担任马来西亚大宗商品和货币交易所的董事,然后于 2001年担任吉隆坡期权和金融期货交易所的首席运营员,该交易所于2001年6月合并为马来西亚衍生品交易所(MDEX)。之后,她在吉隆坡证券交易所(KLSE)股份化之前,于2003年9月受委为交易所主管,管理吉隆坡证券交易所、吉隆坡股票交易所自动报价板(MESDAQ),马来西亚衍生品交易所和纳闽国际金融交易所(Labuan International Financial Exchange)的运作。她还是许多国际会议和论坛的常客发表演讲。

拿督Zaha Rina博士在2013年12月受委为宏利控股有限公司(Manulife Holdings Berhad)主席之前,曾担任苏黎世保险大马有限公司(Zurich Insurance Malaysia Berhad)的董事。她也曾担任陆盛(Tanah Makmur Berhad)的董事。

目前,除了在几家私人有限公司担任董事之外,她还是太平洋与东方有限公司(POB)、大红花石油有限公司(Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad)和怡保花园有限公司( IGB Berhad)的董事部成员。

她是马来西亚肖邦协会(Persatuan Chopin Malaysia)的副总裁 和马来西亚潜水教练协会的潜水督导员。直到2009年之前,她也一直担任XBRL全球顾问委员会成员,并且在 2010年5月之前还是马来西亚艾滋病基金会的董事部成员。

Malaysian, 57

(Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Risk Management Committee, Member of the Audit Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Dato’ Foong Chee Meng was appointed as an Independent Director of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 1 September 2022.

Dato’ Foong holds a Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Law and Masters of Law from the University of Sydney, Australia.

Dato’ Foong has more than 25 years of experience in legal practice and is currently a Managing Partner of a niche corporate boutique law firm, Foong & Partners which he set up in 2003. Aside from being an Advocate & Solicitor at High Court of Malaya, he is also a practicing Advocate & Solicitor at the Federal Court of Australia and Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia.

He had previously practiced at Baker & McKenzie in Sydney and returned to Malaysia in 1993 to continue his practice at Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Dato’ Foong was made a partner in 1996 where he was subsequently appointed the Head of the Corporate & Commercial and Foreign Investment of Zaid Ibrahim & Co.

Dato’ Foong has been involved in structuring and executing major mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances and joint ventures in various industry groups which comprise manufacturing, property, construction, telecommunications, food and newsprint industries.

He also advises local and foreign companies and investors on a wide variety of corporate matters including foreign investments, regulatory compliance, joint ventures and acquisitions of Malaysian businesses.

In 1999, Dato’ Foong had published his first publication titled “Guide to mergers and acquisition in Asia” and be an author of the chapter on “Partnership” and “Franchising” in the Malaysia Precedents and Forms, Commercial Precedents in 2002.

Malaysian, 48

(Independent Director; Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Mr. Tan Chong Hin was appointed to the Board of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 3 January 2023.

He graduated with a First Class Honours in Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic Engineering) from the University of Hull as a Wilberforce Scholar in 1998, and completed his Postgraduate Diploma in Economics at the University of Cambridge, as a British Chevening Scholar in 1999. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) since 2003, and the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) since 2022.

He had spent over 20 years working for various financial services institutions in London, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore specialising in real estate, corporate finance and advisory.

He currently sits on the board of several public and private limited companies.

South African, 40

(Non-Independent Non-Executive Director; Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Mr. Thian joined the board on 20 September 2023.

Presently, Mr. Thian is an Executive for India and Group Initiatives of the Sanlam Group. His role is to oversee Sanlam’s investments in India and to maintain business relationships with Sanlam’s partners in India. He is also involved in other Group strategic initiatives by supporting and giving guidance to the operating entities with strategy development and execution, technical assistance, adhering to sound audit practices, appropriate governance, risk management, and compliance.

Mr. Thian holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Actuarial Science from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, in 2005 and is a qualified Actuary and Fellow of the Actuarial Society of South Africa.

He has over 15 years of experience in actuarial (both Life and General insurance), capital management and risk management.

Malaysian, 62

(Independent Director; Member of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee)

Datin Grace was appointed to the Board of Pacific & Orient Insurance Co. Berhad on 2 January 2024.

Datin Grace has more than 38 years of experience as a practising lawyer and is a partner and former managing partner of Shearn Delamore & Co. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the London School of Economics and Political Science as well as a Master of Laws (LLM) from the University of London. She was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1984 and the Malaysian Bar in 1985. She has also obtained a Financial Planner Certification (CFP).

She currently heads the Corporate/M&A, Energy, Natural Resources & Green Technology and Private Client & Family Business practice groups at Shearn Delamore & Co. and is a member of the Malaysian Bar as well as the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia. Her past directorships have included board memberships in Bursa Malaysia Berhad, CIMB Bank Berhad, Shearn Skinner Trust Company Ltd and Universal Trustee (Malaysia) Berhad. She also currently sits on the boards of several private limited companies and is a member of the Corporate and Commercial Law Committee and Trade in Legal Services Committee of the Malaysian Bar Council.

2015年 : 1次

2016年 : 2次

2017年 : 1次

2018年 : 2次

2019年 : 1次

2020年 : 1次

2021年 : 1次

2022年 : 1次

2023年 : 1次






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